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Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) derived mainly from the liver cells of the embryo, and disappears from the blood about two weeks after the fetus is born. Alpha-fetoprotein is closely related to the occurrence and development of liver cancer and a variety of tumors. It can be used as a positive biomarker for a variety of tumors [1]. … Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP)">Continue reading Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP)
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Amyloid β-protein ( Aβ) is derived from the hydrolysis of β-amyloid precursor protein(APP).In normal human body, Aβ is a soluble neuronal metabolite that plays a neuromodulatory role in synaptic plasticity, memory and neurotransmitter release. The most common isoforms of Aβ in vivo are Aβ(1-40) and Aβ(1-42).   HKIG currently provides two paired monoclonal antibodies for human Aβ(1-40) (product number: 1030101,1030201). Two independent sites … Anti Aβ (1-40) monoclonal antibody">Continue reading Anti Aβ (1-40) monoclonal antibody
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Cytokeratin 19 fragment (Cyfra 21-1) is a kind of lung cancer tumor markers. It belongs to the intermediate filament protein family with a molecular weight of about 40kDa and mainly exists in the cytoplasm of tumor cells originating from epithelial cells such as esophageal cancer and lung cancer. Cyfra 21-1 has important clinical application value … Anti Cyfra 21-1 monoclonal antibody">Continue reading Anti Cyfra 21-1 monoclonal antibody
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Neuron specific enolization enzyme (NSE) is one of the small cell lung cancer (SCLC) diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up of the most reliable tumor markers, in the related neuroendocrine tumor (NETs) in the diagnosis, staging and treatment also has a certain value.   HKIG currently provides two paired monoclonal antibodies for NSE(product number: 1010101,1010201). Catalog No. Kaff … Anti NSE monoclonal antibody">Continue reading Anti NSE monoclonal antibody
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Plasmin-α2-plasmininhibitor complex (PIC) is α2-fibrinolytic enzyme inhibitors and fibrinolytic enzymes form 1:1 compounds, directly reflect the formation of fibrinolytic enzyme, can be used in the auxiliary of fibrinolytic diseases diagnosis and curative effect observation. PIC is a specific diagnostic markers of acute venous thromboembolism, the excessive rise suggests there may be a high pregnancy and … Anti PIC monoclonal antibody">Continue reading Anti PIC monoclonal antibody
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Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is a basic single-chain polypeptide hormone secreted by chief cells of parathyroid glands. Its main function is to regulate calcium and phosphorus metabolism in vertebrates, prompted blood calcium levels, blood phosphorus levels drop, maintains the balance of calcium phosphate, plays a vital role.   HKIG currently provides two paired monoclonal antibodies for PTH(product … Anti PTH monoclonal antibody">Continue reading Anti PTH monoclonal antibody

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