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Amyloid β-protein ( Aβ) is derived from the hydrolysis of β-amyloid precursor protein(APP).In normal human body, Aβ is a soluble neuronal metabolite that plays a neuromodulatory role in synaptic plasticity, memory and neurotransmitter release. The most common isoforms of Aβ in vivo are Aβ(1-40) and Aβ(1-42).   HKIG currently provides two paired monoclonal antibodies for human Aβ(1-40) (product number: 1030101,1030201). Two independent sites … Anti Aβ (1-40) monoclonal antibody">Continue reading Anti Aβ (1-40) monoclonal antibody
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Microtubule-associated protein tau is a supporting role in neuronal axons of protein, its normal condition through regulating the stability of microtubules to maintain the structure and function of neurons. HKIG currently provides two paired monoclonal antibodies for human tau (pT181)(product number: 1032101,1032102). Catalog No. Kaff Subtype Pairing Application 1032101 >109 MouseIgG1/κ Cap. CLIA、ELISA 1032102 >109 … Anti tau (pT181) monoclonal antibody">Continue reading Anti tau (pT181) monoclonal antibody
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Microtubule-associated protein tau is a supporting role in neuronal axons of protein, its normal condition through regulating the stability of microtubules to maintain the structure and function of neurons.   HKIG currently offers one monoclonal antibody for tau(pT217). (catalog number:1033101) Catalog No. Kaff Subtype Pairing Application 1033101 >109 MouseIgG1/κ Cap. CLIA、ELISA   Specifity It was detected … Anti tau (pT217) monoclonal antibody">Continue reading Anti tau (pT217) monoclonal antibody
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Microtubule-associated protein tau is a supporting role in neuronal axons of protein, its normal condition through regulating the stability of microtubules to maintain the structure and function of neurons.   HKIG currently offers one monoclonal antibody(catalog number:1034101) for tau (pT231). Catalog No. Kaff Subtype Pairing Application 1034101 >109 MouseIgG1/κ Cap. CLIA、ELISA   Specifity It was … Anti tau (pT231) monoclonal antibody">Continue reading Anti tau (pT231) monoclonal antibody

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