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Cancer antigen 242 (CA242) is a mucin with a sialylated carbohydrate structure, similar to the CA50 and CA19-9 antigenic determinants. CA242 is present in the mucosa of the pancreas and colorectal. The expression of CA242 in normal tissues is low. CA242 in serum can be used for auxiliary diagnosis and monitoring of treatment in patients … Cancer Antigen 242 (CA242)">Continue reading Cancer Antigen 242 (CA242)
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Cancer antigen 50 (CA50) is a carbohydrate antigen tumor marker, defined by the recognition site of monoclonal antibody C50. Its epitope structure includes sialic acid-N-tetraoxyceramide and sialylated Lewis blood group antigen, which is similar to the epitope structure of CA19-9 [1]. CA50 is used in the detection of a variety of malignant tumors such as … Cancer Antigen 50 (CA50)">Continue reading Cancer Antigen 50 (CA50)
Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) exists on the surface of cancer cells differentiated from endoderm cells. Carcinoembryonic antigen is a broad-spectrum tumor marker, elevated in colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine and cervical cancer [1]. HKIG offers 2 monoclonal antibodies (catalog numbers: 1017101 and 1017201) for CEA detection.   Anti … Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)">Continue reading Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)
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Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is a single-chain glycoprotein secreted by prostate epithelial cells, which belongs to the kininase family, and exists in prostate tissue and semen. HKIG provides monoclonal antibodies for detecting free PSA (fPSA) and total PSA (tPSA), respectively.
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Human epididymal protein 4 (HE4) was first discovered in human distal epididymal epithelial cells. Human epididymal protein 4 and CA125 levels have a strong correlation in the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer patients, and serum HE4 levels can be used as tumor markers to evaluate the efficacy of ovarian cancer treatment [1]. HKIG currently … Human Epididymal Protein 4 (HE4)">Continue reading Human Epididymal Protein 4 (HE4)
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Pepsinogen (PG) is a single-chain polypeptide composed of 375 amino acids that belongs to the aspartate protein family. Human pepsinogen can be divided into seven isoenzymes, of which pg1-pg5 has common immunogenicity, known as PG I; pg6 to pg7 has a slower migration rate and is called PG II. The change of serum PG level … Pepsinogen I">Continue reading Pepsinogen I

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