Anti NSE monoclonal antibody

SKU: 1010 Categories: ,


Neuron specific enolization enzyme (NSE) is one of the small cell lung cancer (SCLC) diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up of the most reliable tumor markers, in the related neuroendocrine tumor (NETs) in the diagnosis, staging and treatment also has a certain value.


HKIG currently provides two paired monoclonal antibodies for NSE(product number: 1010101,1010201).

Catalog No. Kaff Subtype Pairing Application
1010101 >109 MouseIgG1/κ Cap. CLIA
1010201 >109 MouseIgG1/κ Det. CLIA


Example of NSE standard curve (CLIA)

Capture antibody: 1010101, Detection antibody: 1010201. R2>0.99 LoB<0.12ng/mL

Additional information


1010101, 1010201

HKIG1010101 Product Information


HKIG1010201 Product Information


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