Anti PIC monoclonal antibody

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Plasmin-α2-plasmininhibitor complex (PIC) is α2-fibrinolytic enzyme inhibitors and fibrinolytic enzymes form 1:1 compounds, directly reflect the formation of fibrinolytic enzyme, can be used in the auxiliary of fibrinolytic diseases diagnosis and curative effect observation. PIC is a specific diagnostic markers of acute venous thromboembolism, the excessive rise suggests there may be a high pregnancy and preeclampsia, PIC up also with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and other related active rheumatoid disease[1].

HKIG currently provides two paired monoclonal antibodies for PIC(product number: 1021101,1021201).

Catalog No. Kaff Subtype Pairing Application
1021101 >109 MouseIgG1/κ Cap. CLIA、ELISA
1021201 >109 MouseIgG1/κ Det. CLIA、ELISA


Reference:【1】Ann Transl Med. 2022 Dec; 10(23): 1273.

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