Anti TAT monoclonal antibody

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Thrombin-antithrombin complex (TAT) is a complex formed by 1:1 combination of thrombin and antithrombin Ⅲ (ATⅢ), which can be used as a molecular marker of thrombin formation, reflecting the level of thrombin, and a marker of coagulation system activation. TAT continued to increase, suggesting a significant increase in thrombin, hypercoagulable state and high thrombus load. During anticoagulant therapy, the decrease of TAT indicates that the treatment is effective and the risk of thrombosis recurrence is reduced. When disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) occurs, the significant and continuous increase of plasma TAT indicates poor prognosis. In addition, TAT was significantly increased in deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism[1].


HKIG currently provides two paired monoclonal antibodies for TAT(product number: 1022101,1022201).

Catalog No. Kaff Subtype Pairing Application
1022101 >109 MouseIgG1/κ Cap. CLIA、ELISA
1022201 >109 MouseIgG1/κ Det. CLIA、ELISA


Example of TAT standard curve (CLIA)

Capture antibody: 1022101, Detection antibody: 1022201. R2>0.99 LoB<0.1ng/mL


Reference:【1】Ann Transl Med. 2022 Dec; 10(23): 1273.

Additional information


1022101, 1022201

HKIG1022101 Product Information


HKIG1022201 Product Information


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